Welcome to the FIND APRS Station Lookup

The FIND feature allows you to retrieve detailed information about an APRS station. Simply input the station’s callsign to get the following details:

What You Can Retrieve:

  • Last Heard – Time since the station was last heard on the air.
  • IGate Station – The IGate station that relayed the signal.
  • Speed – The speed of the station (if available).
  • Distance – How far the station is from your current location.
  • Grid Square – The grid square of the station.

How to Use the FIND Feature:

To retrieve the information about a station, use the following message:


For example: K7TME-9

Raw Message:

K7TME-9: 4d23h57m ago Via HAPPYV 9mph 65.9mi away CN85rm

Formatted Sample Output:

Last Heard: 4d23h57m

IGate Station: via HAPPYV

Speed: 9mph

Distance: 65.9mi away

Grid Square: CN85rmr

Additional Tips:

  • Ensure you enter the correct callsign for accurate results.
  • If the station is not currently on the air, the data may not be available.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need help using the FIND feature!